package cfg
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
CfgAfterCallNode(id: Int = CfgNode.uid, pred: Set[CfgNode] = mutable.Set[CfgNode](), succ: Set[CfgNode] = mutable.Set[CfgNode](), data: AAssignStmt) extends CfgNode with Product with Serializable
Node in a CFG representing having returned from a function call.
Node in a CFG representing having returned from a function call. The
field holds the assignment statement where the right-hand-side is the function call. -
case class
CfgCallNode(id: Int = CfgNode.uid, pred: Set[CfgNode] = mutable.Set[CfgNode](), succ: Set[CfgNode] = mutable.Set[CfgNode](), data: AAssignStmt) extends CfgNode with Product with Serializable
Node in a CFG representing a function call.
Node in a CFG representing a function call. The
field holds the assignment statement where the right-hand-side is the function call. -
case class
CfgFunEntryNode(id: Int = CfgNode.uid, pred: Set[CfgNode] = mutable.Set[CfgNode](), succ: Set[CfgNode] = mutable.Set[CfgNode](), data: AFunDeclaration) extends CfgNode with Product with Serializable
Node in a CFG representing the entry of a function.
case class
CfgFunExitNode(id: Int = CfgNode.uid, pred: Set[CfgNode] = mutable.Set[CfgNode](), succ: Set[CfgNode] = mutable.Set[CfgNode](), data: AFunDeclaration) extends CfgNode with Product with Serializable
Node in a CFG representing the exit of a function.
CfgNode extends AnyRef
Node in a control-flow graph.
case class
CfgStmtNode(id: Int = CfgNode.uid, pred: Set[CfgNode] = mutable.Set[CfgNode](), succ: Set[CfgNode] = mutable.Set[CfgNode](), data: AstNode) extends CfgNode with Product with Serializable
Node in a CFG representing a program statement.
Node in a CFG representing a program statement. The
field holds the statement, or in case of if/while instructions, the branch condition. -
FragmentCfg extends AnyRef
Fragment of a control-flow graph.
Fragment of a control-flow graph. Describes a fragment of a TIP program, for example one or more statements or function bodies.
InterproceduralProgramCfg extends ProgramCfg
Interprocedural control-flow graph for a program, where function calls are represented using call/after-call nodes.
Interprocedural control-flow graph for a program, where function calls are represented using call/after-call nodes. Requires the program to be normalized using tip.ast.NormalizedCalls, i.e. all calls are of the form x = f(..).
IntraproceduralProgramCfg extends ProgramCfg
Control-flow graph for a program, where function calls are represented as expressions, without using call/after-call nodes.
ProgramCfg extends FragmentCfg
Control-flow graph for an entire program.
Value Members
- object CfgNode
- object CfgOps
- object FragmentCfg
- object InterproceduralProgramCfg
- object IntraproceduralProgramCfg